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Special Feature - David Goodbrand

Happy retirement to David Goodbrand, who is hanging up his keys after over 20 years with Pall-Ex shareholder member Bullet Express.

David began as a self-employed driver, delivering computer chips from IBM in Greenock to a factory in Italy.

The whole workforce of 2,000 relied on the deliveries twice a week, which David never failed to make in three years of servicing the contract.

He then went on to become employed as full-time driver with Bullet Express as the business grew.

David Goodbrand standing in front of two Bullet Express trucks
David standing in front of two Bullet Express trucks

Over the last 20 years, a hallmark of David’s work has been his dedication and commitment to getting the job at hand done to the highest possible standard, regardless of the role in which he has found himself in.

A well respected and appreciated member of the team, David has acted as a driver trainer to countless new recruits over the years, having started out at a time when mobile phones were unheard of and POD’s were reported using a public telephone.

In recent months, David was the unrivalled choice amongst the senior management team to fulfil a job to assist with the NHS operation to battle Covid-19.

As usual, he met the challenge with the level of professionalism and attention to detail he has been renowned for.

David McCutcheon, CEO of Bullet Express, has expressed his appreciation and thanks for David’s hard work over the years.

He comments; “David has been great to work with and has always been the life and soul of the office or warehouse.”

“He had a whit very much needed in the tough days and welcome on the good.

“David was an ever present figure at the bar on staff nights out, demanding his just rewards from any boss within 30 yards of him as he was clearly the best driver ever employed. It is hard to disagree today!”

Everyone at Pall-Ex and Bullet Express would like express our thanks to David for all of his fantastic work.

Happy retirement David, you have earned it!


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